What Effect Does Cold Weather Have On Your Heart?


Many people love winters and eagerly await this season. But this is not the case for everyone. Extreme and harsh winters can cause a lot of problems for the body. When the temperature is cold, our body makes certain adjustments to keep the body warm. If you have heart disease or any other cardiovascular disease, your body may not be able to make these adjustments properly. It can lead to severe consequences such as heart attacks or stroke. You should go for regular checkups and consult the best cardiologist in Punjab to reduce the risk of heart problems in winter.

How Can Winter And Cold Weather Impact Your Body?

When the temperature outside is cold, our body executes vasoconstriction. In this process, the body’s blood vessels tighten to keep the heat within the body and keep the core warm. Vasoconstriction reduces the blood flow in the cardiovascular system. As a result, your heart has to work harder. Your blood pressure and heart rate both escalate, causing increased stress on the heart.

Besides this, during vasoconstriction, the heart does not get much oxygen from the blood. It can cause chest pain or other heart problems. If your heart does not get an adequate supply of blood to meet the demand, you can even get a heart attack. Hence, visiting the best heart hospital in Ludhiana is essential to identify if you have any heart issues. Early detection can help prevent adverse situations as you can get effective treatments. 

Cold weather can also limit your water intake, causing dehydration, which can further lead to blood clots. Apart from this, during winter, physical activity is also reduced. It can again cause blood clots. These blood clots can lead to stroke or a heart attack. 

Who Is At Risk?

Every person’s body can be affected by the winter differently, depending on various factors such as age, health condition, immune system health, etc. Some people can cope with winters easily, while for some, it will be difficult, especially those who are suffering from heart disease. The following are the factors that can increase your risk:

  • High Blood Pressure: If you already have high blood pressure issues, cold weather can exacerbate your situation. It is advised to consult the best cardiologist in Punjab for effective treatments and prevention tips.
  • Heart Diseases: Previous history of heart diseases, coronary artery diseases, angina, heart failure, heart attacks/ strokes in the past, and arrhythmias can put you at a higher risk than others. 
  • Smoking: You must have read and must be aware of how dangerous smoking is for your health. It causes blood vessel damage, thereby increasing the risk of blood clots.
  • Obesity: Obesity is another problem which can lead to many severe conditions. If you have obesity, your heart needs to work extra as it causes strain not just on your heart but on your whole body. Hence, maintain your weight and get regular checkups from the best heart hospital in Ludhiana.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes also puts you at risk of heart problems because it can damage blood vessels. It can also cause atherosclerosis, which causes thickening or hardening of arteries. 
  • Age: You are more prone to heart issues if you are 60 or above.
  • Lack of Physical Activity: Insufficient physical activity can make your body weak, especially during winter. Your body may not be able to cope with the cold. Hence, physical activity is essential not just during cold but throughout the seasons.

Warning Signs To Look For

Look out for these warning signs and immediately contact the best cardiologist in Punjab to avoid risks and complications.

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain, discomfort or pressure in the chest. 
  • Breathlessness 
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness

How To Prevent Your Heart During Winters?

Maintaining a proper routine and having a clean diet is crucial to make your body strong. A strong body has a strong heart, and good heart health can help you cope effectively with cold weather. Some tips are mentioned below to help you improve your heart health during winter:

  • Active Lifestyle – Following an active lifestyle can help you manage not only your heart health but will help prevent various other health issues. If a machine is not used, oiled or maintained regularly, it will accumulate dust and rust and eventually stop functioning. Similar is the case with our bodies. You must exercise, lift weights, and practice yoga and pilates. It will help keep your body fit and strong enough to combat diseases and harsh weather conditions. Consult the best cardiologist in Punjab and determine which exercises suit you and your specific condition.
  • Maintain a Balanced Weight – Balance is essential for effective body management. If you are overweight, underweight or obese, all of these conditions can affect your body and how it copes with the weather. Hence, ensure that you keep a balanced and healthy weight.
  • Get Sound Sleep – Sleep plays an integral part in the health of every person. It is the time when your body recharges itself and repairs the body. Hence, ensure adequate and quality sleep to ensure good heart health. Also, visit a reputed heart hospital in Ludhiana for regular checkups.
  • Clean Diet – A clean diet can work wonders when consumed regularly and consistently. Food acts as fuel for the body, and if you consume clean food rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and essential supplements, you can make your body function smoothly and efficiently.
  • Manage Stress – Stress is a leading factor in a number of diseases. Stress causes mental exertion, which burdens the brain, heart and other body parts. Thus, take action to resolve stress, avoid overthinking and think of solutions rather than just what-ifs. 
  • Quit Smoking and Drinking – Quit or limit the amount of alcohol you intake, as it can cause heart issues. Also, you should quit smoking as it is dangerous for heart health. The best cardiologist in Ludhiana recommends quitting alcohol and smoking for better heart health.
  • Avoid Overexertion – You must avoid overexerting yourself in the winter, especially if you have heart disease. Wearing warm clothes and engaging in physical activity can cause overheating. It will cause blood vessels to dilate and reduce your blood pressure. If you have a pre-existing heart condition and are sweating in the cold, it could be a sign of danger, and you should immediately get indoors.


Although our bodies can deal with diseases, we must keep fit. Extreme weather, such as harsh winters, can affect our health, and if you already have a heart or cardiovascular disease, it can be difficult for your body to cope with these. Visit the best heart hospital in Ludhiana and take the necessary precautionary steps to avoid any risks and complications that can be dangerous for your heart health.

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